Tuesday 12 July 2011

Why don't you understand????????

Thought that only girlfriends would ask these question??? The whole reason for the existing of science is questioning. Similarly an inference engine needs lots of questioning codes and self iteration before judging on the probability of an event. Hence my quest is to find out which language provides the best questioning constructs.

Monday 11 July 2011

From the scrap

Now. to have the best technicality in artificial intelligence, one must have strong algorithms. So, my first specialization in data structures begin:) let me continue this while uploading the hints. Single linked list, double linked list, stack and queue. Array implementation, linked list implementation and cursor implementation of all these....

Sunday 19 June 2011

Natural Language processing, my first venture in artificial intelligence. It's not exactly language. When a microphone senses something. the audio signal is obviously converted into digital signal. Simple right. Not exactly. the huge problem in it is that the region where two signals overlap it is said to initiate a certain noise, which hinders the clear understanding. Though these algorithms are efficiently used in the modern versions of smart phones. It just has a 46% feasibility in making any humanoid or expert systems to make them respond. Any misunderstanding is obsolete